
With Full Circle, I offer you to step inside of my head and my heart as I navigate through the cyclical nature of life and the cyclical nature of myself. 

Over the years, I have fluctuated between and jumped through one aesthetic to the next. I guess, as a creative human, as a human in general, this way of shifting and changing the way that I have expressed myself in the past is unavoidable and necessary for the sake of my own growth. I used to despise this part of myself, because I couldn’t just “pick one style” to stay in and be content with. The more I began to think about this feeling, I realized; why should I? Why do I feel obligated to secure myself to one singular way of making art, one aesthetic? 

And that’s when I was able to recognize that I don’t NEED to feel this way. I don’t NEED to feel ashamed for being ever changing, because I am human and I am whole. I am everything and I am nothing at all. There is truly no way to limit myself and reduce myself down to one singular “aesthetic”, because life is simultaneously too short and too long to place myself in some sort of box and act like I am content with doing so.

I believe that humans are cyclical beings, much like nature. We move and shift with the seasons; with the sun, the earth, the sky, or the waters. We move and shift with every experience that we have accumulated, and every new person that we have just met. I believe that “you” are still “you” at heart, and there is no way to place a label on this. You are complex, intricate, and always evolving. Every day you will wake up and take on new forms, and that is more than okay. There are different versions of you that exist in the minds of every single person that you have ever met.

All of this being said, I commonly find that I am inspired by matters such as: birth, life, and death. By the earth, the land that I walk. Primitive and native cultures, different ways of being. Take my art as you will, yet I often like to think of it as a token of respect and a deep appreciation for all things listed above, an “offering” of some sort.

Thank you for being here, for taking interest in my work, and supporting me. Thank you for being YOU, and all that you are.